Data & Privacy

Privacy & Confidentiality

Aligning with the code of ethics and ethical framework mentioned, I will keep the details of our communication completely anonymous and confidential. From time to time we may do great work together; the results of which I would love to share with other clients and the community. I will always ask you before using it but hope you will agree since I believe there is often the chance to learn from others’ experiences.

To maximize the protection of your information, I will be using Protonmail as the main service provider for our email communication and file storage. They employ end-to-end encryption with all their servers residing in Switzerland which makes them subject to Swiss privacy laws - some of the strictest in the world.

Electronics & Written Record Keeping

For any personal sessions beyond the Fireside Package, recording of our sessions will be necessary in order to process the data an generate the final report. As stated above, these recordings (both audio and written) will reside in the servers provided by Protonmail which reside in Switzerland.

A copy of all the recorded and written material can be made available to you on request. All data will be purged from my system at the end of our business relationship.

At times I may request keeping certain data for valuable insights to my practice and future client work but I will always ask for permission first. In such a case, all data related to you will be immediately made anonymous.

Extraordinary Event

In the event of my sudden death or debilitating accident, [another trusted professional] will have access to my files which will contain notes from our sessions. The files will however be anonymously encoded and the client ID known only to you and myself via a password that only I will have access to. In the event of an extraordinary event, you will be notified and may request the notes corresponding to our sessions. Otherwise, 3 months after the extraordinary event, all your data will be purged from the system.

Email, Phone, and External Communication

Keeping with ethical guidelines, we should keep our communication strictly to email and in extreme cases to phone outside of the sessions.

While I am a big believer of community building, the greatest insights come when one arrives at their own conclusions with only minimal (but effective) help from the outside. For this reason, it is best to keep the relationship transactional for the duration of the working contract.

Social media is an exception. Please feel free to engage with me and the rest of the community across the social media platforms that I'm present on. I look forward to engaging creatively and constructively with you all in the public forum.

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